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I Just Had to Share This With You All!


Look out for our live meditation on the 22nd December too on our Facebook page.

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas Yoga poem



Twas the time before Christmas, and in the yoga place,  not a muscle was moving, it was filled with grace.The mats were lined up, on the floor with care,in hopes that sweet relaxation would soon be there.

The students relaxed, all snug on their mats,while life hurried on by, like crazy cats.Everybody began moving, this way and that.

“Now Tadasana! Now Chandrasana! Virabhdrasana & Bridge!On Cobra! On Bow! On Locust and Fish!To the top of your head! And the bottom of your heart!Now breathe away! Breathe away!And please don’t fart!”

When up in my brain there arose such a clatter,I fell out of my posture, to worsen the matter,when what to my wandering mind should appear,but a big plate of chocolate, and a six-pack of cheer!

Such a mental mirage so clever and quick,I knew in a moment, it was a monkey mind trick! More calm and deeper my breathing I made,to ensure that distractions, quickly would fade.

Breathing mindfully now,making the ocean sound noise,I found balance and focus to bring my life poise.

And as I turned my head, I lost sight of myself and caught a brief glimpse behind me, a small Santa’s elf!

He was dressed in an outfit, all green and red,with a bright stocking hat to cover his head.His stretching looked strained, most likely due,to his crafting in the workshop, ’till his knuckles were blue.

Gradually he got all stretched out and about,and his stout little body was filling with glee,from the crown of his head to his cute little feet.His energy cleared, his outlook made merry,his cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry.

During downward dog pose, blood rushed to my head,flooding my brain with oxygen, turning me red it was then I came to realise, that much like the elf was creating a gift, of peace, for my Self.

Yoga postures and breathing,not a cell left untouched now the body at peace,and the mind just as much.

Each posture creating a delightful feeling. It felt real, I was not dreaming.Every part of my self I learned to treasure like a true gift of love, far beyond measure.

In final savasana I heard not a thing. I felt I was soaring, on a beautiful bird’s wing. My body at peace, and so too, my mind,releasing my self from the stressors that bind.

Never too poor, never too sick,never too old, or fat, like St. Nick’s yoga health and happiness, it’s certainly true,peace and joy are presents for you.  

And as you leave, relaxed and renewed,Here’s one wish I hope, you get just right:

“Peace and Joy and to all a Good Night!”

Adapted and written by Julie Lusk from Twas the Night before Christmas by Clement Clarke Moore (1779-1863) and from Alex Newport-Berra’s rendition titled Bikram’s Torture Chamber (2009). 



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