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The Week.


So it has been a very difficult and sad week. I have tried to practise my mindfulness and breathing. Went running yesterday and done all my yoga stretching. It has definitely helped however some sadness one has to learn to grow around and accept. Nothing can change the situation but at least mindfulness gives me a choice how to react and space to reflect before reacting. I appreciate the quiet it brings and the moments of calm. It has been and will continue to be a struggle of acceptance I feel. Sometimes you just need a hug and in these times of being unable to have as many hugs as we would like maybe some self care is what I need. So this weekend I have a long planned Gravity Yoga class as a taster in my local gym, a run planned with family, a catch up with a friend, Sunday evening mindfulness mediation, time with the hubby. So this weekend treasure each moment, take time to savour the moment, live in every moment. Be as fully present as you can and be with those you love. Take care, Francine.



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